Comic-Con International 2012 – Preview Night

Comic-Con Preview Night
The huge crowd of Comic-Con attendees can be seen walking in all directions from the moment we stepped off the trolley. Proudly wearing their badges and carrying their souvenir bags, converting downtown into a comic fan mecca. We hadn’t been there five minutes when we nearly got ran over by a car. A driver hesitated crossing the intersection and instead of staying put to wait for the green light, he decided to back up, almost hitting 5 people that were crossing the street. Once we got to the convention center the lines went quickly. We waited outside for less than a minute prior to being directed to one of the credentials pick-up stations. The exhibit room was a dizzying frenzy of comics, games, clothing, and film and tv promotion booths. Seeing it all within one night is just impossible. Lines of collectors could be seen waiting to be the first to get their hands on limited collectibles. We also got to spend a few minutes playing Hitman prior to the closing announcement. It was a short night but still memorable. I can’t wait until tomorrow, as long as no cars back-up into us.


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Founder/Writer/Photographer/Entrepreneur. Often the only queer person of color at media events. You can't miss me! Want a different perspective, feel free to reach out and I'll be there.
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